Nokia N95 Tips and Tricks

This tips and tricks section will be split into two halves; 1. Improving battery life, as anyone who owns a N95 will know the battery drains pretty quickly. 2. Other tips and tricks that might be useful.
Maximising the Nokia N95 Battery Life.
Now when you first get a Nokia N95 out the box, charge it up, then begin to play with it you notice that after about an hour of play the battery indicator begins to disappear fairly quickly. This seemed strange to me as my previous phone was a Nokia N73 and the battery lasted for absolutely ages, granted there are some features on the N95 that aren't present on the N73 such as the Wi-Fi and GPS functionality but not enough to warrant such a big battery drain. After much playing around with the phones settings etc I have managed to get my N95's battery life close to or if not on par with my old N73, nevertheless much improved over the battery life when using the N95 straight out of the box

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